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Thermal welding is a welding method that heats all or part of the weldment to 600-700 ℃ before welding, maintains a certain temperature during the welding process, and cools slowly in the furnace after welding.
When using the hot welding method, the weldment cools slowly and the temperature is evenly distributed, which is conducive to eliminating the white structure, reducing stress, and preventing cracks. However, the hot welding method has a high cost, complex process, long production cycle, and poor labor conditions during welding, so it should be used as little as possible.
The commonly used welding methods are gas welding and electrode arc welding. Cast iron gas welding wires, such as HS401 or hs402, are commonly used in gas welding, together with flux cj201 to remove oxides. The preheating method of gas welding is suitable for repairing small and medium-sized thin-walled parts. Cast iron cored cast iron electrode z248 or steel cored cast iron electrode Z208 are selected for electrode arc welding. This method is mainly used for repairing cast iron parts with large thicknesses (greater than 10mm).
The welding equipment of the thermal welding method mainly includes a heating furnace, welding torch, electric furnace, etc., and the welding process is as follows:
Put the weldment into the furnace and slowly heat it to 600 ~ 700 ℃ (not more than 700 ℃).
The flame temperature of gas welding is much lower than the arc temperature, so the heating and cooling of weldments are relatively slow, which is very beneficial to preventing the white cast iron structure and cracks produced during welding. Therefore, the quality of castings repaired by gas welding is generally better, because gas welding has become a common method of repairing cast iron.
Compared with electrode arc welding, gas welding has high labor intensity, large deformation of weldments, and it is difficult to weld through when repairing large castings;
The quality of gas welded castings is good and easy to cut so many small and medium-sized gray castings in many factories are still more repaired by gas welding.
Precautions for gas welding operation: