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Ang email dili mahimong walay sulod
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Ang password dili managsama
This is a method of directly clamping the workpiece position on the machine tool by using a dial indicator, scoring disc, or visual inspection.
The method is to draw the center line, symmetry line and machining line of each surface to be machined on the workpiece according to the part drawing, and then install the workpiece on the machine tool to determine the clamping position of the workpiece. Calibrate the machine tool and press the line.
This clamping method has low productivity, low precision, and high technical requirements for workers. It is generally used in the processing and production of single and small-batch parts, or where the blank size tolerance is large and cannot be clamped directly with a fixture.
The fixture is specially designed according to the requirements of processing technology. The positioning element on the fixture enables the workpiece to quickly occupy the correct position relative to the machine tool and tool. The positioning accuracy of the workpiece can be guaranteed without correction, and the productivity of the fixture is high. The positioning accuracy is high, but it needs to design and manufacture special fixtures, which are widely used in batch and mass production.