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There are (1) Clamping force (KN), (2) Injection force (KN), (3) Top load rate (KN), (4) Ejector range (MM), (5) Stroke arrangement of moving die plate (MM), (6) Abrasive thickness (MM), (7) Diameter of injection chamber (MM), (8) Specific pressure of injection (MPa), (9) Larger spread area of casting part (CM2), (10) Larger metal material casting volume (aluminum alloy profile) (KG), (11) system software pressure (MPA), (12) interval within the brother column (MM), and (13) rated power of the main motor (KW).
(1)Thickness of die plate, (2)clamping rate, (3)exit rate, (4)clamping time, (5)slow speed of injection (6)rapid injection, (3)slow stroke arrangement, (8)fast stroke arrangement, (9)working pressure of injection (specific pressure), (10)tracking stroke arrangement, (11)tracking time, (12)ejecting stroke arrangement, (13)ejecting rate, (14)ejecting (14) Ejecting time, (15) Circulation system time, (16) Aluminum material temperature, (17) Grinding tool temperature, etc.
It has the efficacy of accumulating kinetic energy, when the regulation is fast pressure injection, the accumulator quickly releases a lot of gear oil to accelerate the effect of the injection head, when the regulation increases, the accumulator relieves the pressure for a moment to the injection head to fill the pressure effect.
The air inlet system of the aluminum die-casting machine is generally a separate system software, according to the set every spacing period of time to fully automatic oil lubrication of each dragging and rotating position of the combined organization, which plays a leading role in ensuring all normal operation and service life of the equipment.
The key to producing driving force for the aluminum die-casting machine in various positions is composed of motor, gasoline pump, hydraulic cylinder, various manipulation gate valves and pipes.
It has the effect of cooling and maintenance for the hydraulic transmission system.
Because the pressure injection rod pressure injection head installed cooling circulating water has the following effects.
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