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Cast iron has high carbon content and poor weldability and is rarely used in welding structures. The so-called cast iron welding mainly refers to the welding of casting defects and damaged castings.
Heating, cooling, and unreasonable preheating in the welding process will make the weldment unable to expand and contract evenly and produce thermal stress. When the tensile strain caused by thermal stress exceeds the deformation capacity of a weak part of the material, cracks will appear, which are thermal stress cracks. The manifestations of thermal stress cracks are:
When using cast iron as the filler metal pair, we must slow down the cooling rate at high temperatures (above 800 ℃) and increase the content of carbon and silicon to improve the graphitization ability of welding, which can reduce and prevent the white structure in the weld metal and fusion area. When using high nickel or pure nickel electrodes for welding, we can also reduce the white tendency in the fusion area.
When using a noncast iron structured electrode or welding wire to cold weld cast iron, the hot crack of the weld varies according to the material of the weld. Increasing the fusion ratio of the base metal in the weld and excessively prolonging the residence time of the weld at high temperatures will increase the hot crack tendency. Corresponding welding processes can be adopted, such as slippery grooves, small currents, short and narrow weld beads, and intermittent welding, which can reduce the hot crack tendency.
Make a purchase of cast iron induction, cast iron sale, ductile cast iron from China, you can get them at a good price if you have a large quantity. We hope to be your long-term partner.